(last updated 2003-03-28) Name : W. Scott Meeks Email : wsmeeks@llamagraphics.com MIME media type name : Application MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.llamagraphics.life-balance.exchange+xml Required parameters : none Optional parameters : charset The syntax and semantics of this parameter are the same as for application/xml. Encoding considerations : Because Life Balance supports Unicode, content data may need to be in UTF-16 as well as UTF-8. As per RFC 3023: For 7-bit transports, data in either UTF-8 or UTF-16 MUST be encoded in quoted-printable or base64. For 8-bit clean transport (e.g., 8BITMIME[RFC1652] ESMTP or NNTP[RFC0977]), UTF-8 is not encoded, but the UTF-16 family MUST be encoded in base64. For binary clean transports (e.g., HTTP[RFC2616]), no content-transfer-encoding is necessary. Security considerations : The security issues associated with this type have not been thoroughly assessed. Life Balance Exchange shares security issues common to all XML content types. This type does not contain any executable code or macros. However, users may store personal data using this format and this data is not encrypted and could easily be extracted from the format. Interoperability considerations : This type is primarily intended for data exchange among Life Balance(TM) applications running on the Macintosh(R) or Windows(R) operating system. However, because it is an XML-based format and will have a published DTD, it should be parsable by any software with a validating parser using the DTD. Published specification : The DTD is currently proprietary and evolving. Once the DTD is stabilized and we release the first version of Life Balance that can use the Exchange format, we will also provide a downloadable version of the DTD. Applications which use this media : Life Balance(TM) Desktop Edition Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : none 2. File extension(s) : lbe 3. Macintosh file type code : LBex 4. Object Identifiers: none In general, the considerations for application/xml apply to this format. Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Catherine E. White 2. Email : cewhite@llamagraphics.com Intended usage : Common Author/Change controller : llamagraphics.com (file created 2003-03-28))